Kate Gosselin Wants Cock
Kate Gosselin who has been single for what seems like forever now is being reported to be flirting with all the male reporters that are talking to her about her two shows. I don't watch that TLC crap anymore so I am not sure what the two shows are called but I am sure they are doing great since Kate was on the cover of every single tabloid magazine for months. A source says she thinks of herself as a "great catch" besides all the bullying and bitching she does on a regular basis. I have seen her on The View a couple of times and you can tell she is using every fiber in her being to not go into a full on bitch rant on national television. Anyway, I would fuck her just to say I fucked her but I do not find her all that attractive and I probably have zero chance of ever hooking up with her because I am not already famous and I am not a millionaire.