By popular demand (according to Google Webmaster Tools) a lot of you freak-a-leeks wanna see Snooki naked on my blog so I am going to go ahead and post this for you pervs out there. Not that there is anything wrong with being a pervert but there are hotter chicks out there to obsess over. The hello and goodbye part? It is basically to inform readers of my blog that I will not specialize in celebrity nudity anymore. Not that I will not be linking to it or talking about it. I will very much so continue to do that but it seems that within hours of me posting nude celeb pics, I get blocks put on my blog by blogger telling me to remove them or Google will shut my shit down. I remember the golden days of celebrity nudity where I could post just about anything I wanted and people could rely on this blog to find it but with popularity, comes a price. I am also trying to make my blog a little more PG-13 and a little less R because let's face it, I will never compete with Egotastic or other gossip blogs that have EVERY single celeb nude pic and photoshoot. So this is me telling you that this blog is about to become a little more SFW and if you hesitated opeing this blog on your work computer, fear no more. I will continue to use four letter words and if shit like that offends you, see ya. Enjoy the pic. xoxo.